May we always remember the Resurrection :)
Date: April 9, 2012
Area: Flushing, Queens
Companion - Sister Allen
I hope that you all had a Happy Easter! I sure know that I did :) My week was wonderful! I hope that you all were able to remember our savior Jesus Christ and his suffering and that he was resurrected. I am so thankful for the resurrection,for we know that because he was resurrected we all are going to have the opportunity to be resurrected. It is a free gift to everyone. I am so incredibly thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ and all that he has done for me. I feel very humbled to have this short opportunity to be able to serve him as a full time missionary. I love this gospel so much and am so thankful that I can be an instrument in the lord's hands to help bring his children to him.
We were able to go and teach David Calle- he is an 11year old recent convert. He is such an incredible kid and so intune to the spirit. It was really neat when we were able to go over there, because when we got there to his house, he told us, " I felt that you sisters were coming today." I am so thankful for the spirit, for it is vital in missionary work. We were able to talk to David about his conversion story. He told us that he always had questions and that his mom could not answer. One day the missionarys were able to get in contact with him and were able to answer all of his questions. He was able to read from the Book of Mormon and he found peace. He is ELEVEN!!! I just love how the Book of Mormon is written so simply that even a child can read and understand it. ANYone that has a real desire to know if the Book of Mormon is true, reads from it and prays to ask God if it is true WILL gain a testimony of its truthfullness.
Speaking of which..We had a really incredible lesson with the girls on prayer. I have been able to learn so much on prayer being on my mission. We talked about how our Father in Heaven wants nothing more than to bless us. He wants to give us all the joy that he has, however a lot of the blessings that Heavenly Father has prepared for us and he is just waiting for us to ask him. So we also talked about the importance of listening in our prayers. I asked the girls if they had prayed about whether or not the Book of Mormon was true, and if Joesph Smith was a true prophet. They said that they had not. They said that they wanted to know more. So then I asked them, " Do you think that Heavenly Father knows if this book if true RIGHT Now?? They responded YES! They also asked the same about Joseph Smith! They both resonded YES! And so then we all kneeled down and both Alexandra and Juliana offered a prayer and asked if The Book of Mormon was True and If Joseph Smith was a true Prophet. Then we sat there and waited....After a while Alexandra all of a sudden says, " ITS TRUE ITS TRUE, I Felt it"! It just goes to show, like I was saying earlier anyone who takes moronis promise WILL find out that these things are true :) There is power in the Book of Mormon....You just have to READ it! :)
It was so cute the other day we were knocking doors looking up people and this cute little girl answered the door. We talked to her about what she remembered about the missionarys so she talked a little bit about the restoration. We asked her if they gave her a Book of Mormon, she replied "no" and so then we asked her if she wanted one she replied "Yes". As we were talking to her about what the Book of Mormon was about her little friend (an 11 year old) came outside. She then told us that she had read the Book of Mormon before. She said that her neighbor Marianna ( who is a member) let her borrow one. We asked her if she wanted her own copy and she said yes! These two girls are adorable, and have that light about them and are just so anxious to learn more.
Easter was wonderful! The Ayala girls came to church with their Dad :) Sacrament meeting was wonderful as well as all of the other meetings. It was really neat to be on the mission during easter time. To really be able to focus on what is really important. We are so blessed to know that Jesus Christ has been resurrected. There is a really cool video on LDS.ORG that ALL of you should watch. It talks about Jesus Christ and his life and that he has resurrected.
I know that HE Lives! Jesus is the Christ! He loves us! In fact he loves us so much that he died for each and every one of us, so that we might live, so that we might have a way back to our Heavenly Father. I know that the Book of Mormon is True, and that anyone that reads it and prays can know to that It is TRUE! It is the Word of God. I LOVE this gospel!
I love all of you
May we always remember what we really celebrate on Easter :)
Hermana Gray
“In all the history of the world there have been many great and wise souls, many of whom claimed special knowledge of God. But when the Savior rose from the tomb, He did something no one had ever done. He did something no one else could do. He broke the bonds of death, not only for Himself but for all who have ever lived—the just and the unjust (see John 5:28–29).”
Joseph B. Wirthlin, "
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